Happy New Year 2022

Posted by Junior Shooters


We hope you all have a happy and rewarding 2022. Enjoy a year of safe and fun shooting. My editorial in the Winter 2021 issue, Volume 45 of Junior Shooters magazine, is included below: some thoughts, and a big THANK YOU to all of you!

Big game hunting season is at its end. The competition shooting season is slowed. The outdoors is cold and blustery for many, and they may decide to shoot indoors or practice with lasers, airsoft, or dryfire. It’s time to reload and get your gear ready for next year. That holiday present you are going to get (or already got depending on when you read this) might be a new gun, reloader, new gloves, camo gear, or ammunition. (Make sure you have safety flags for all your guns and don’t forget the safety locks!)

It wouldn’t hurt to take moment to think about the past year. What went wrong? What went right? How can I do better, both personally and with my shooting? Are there people that I should be thanking for providing the wonderful experiences I have had shooting this past year? Remember, you are not alone. Who you are and who you become is mostly up to you, but it is impacted by everything you learn, the people you meet, the interactions you have, and especially, how you conduct yourself. Sometimes I think, “Did I say that?” “Could I have been a better person?”

I give thanks to all those I have met this year and how you have shaped my life and guided me. The new writers we have, the new shooters, the coaches, the parents, those stories I read and tips on our Instagram page and the ones we get from shooters across the country; they help give meaning to my life.

At the end of October, I received a call from one of your juniors who has been in the Navy for the last three years. He said, “The experience, training, and life skills I learned from Junior Shooters has filled my life with joy. What you taught me provided me with more safety and firearms training than I have received anywhere. I have qualified over 3,000 seamen in the M4 and M9. What you taught me gave me the confidence I needed. Learning life skills, reviewing products, writing articles, and being part of the Junior Shooters team, and safely shooting 3-Gun competitions and practicing is more important than I could have known. Thank you.” I have had many such calls over the years and each one fills my heart with joy.

I am sure all of you that are coaches and parents have had such experiences. To hear such positive feedback is so rewarding. I feel so blessed to know that this year I made a difference, and all those involved in teaching, writing, coaching, supporting the shooting sports, providing guidance, and those family members supporting each of us are making a difference.

I thank you.

Andy Fink, Editor-In-Chief, Junior Shooters magazine

@juniorshootersmagazine – Instagram


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