Three Brothers and Teammates from Rochester, New York.

Posted by Junior Shooters

By Amy Cawley(17)

Anthony, Dominic and Vincent Basile are three brothers from Rochester New York who share a passion for clay target sports.  Two years ago, they were shooting on the Hunters Tour sporting clays league when shotgun coach Bob Broderick approached the boys and their father and asked if they might be interested in joining a Scholastic Clay Target team.  At the time the A&B Clay Busters consisted of one athlete and one coach. Their response was an immediate “yes”, and the Clay Busters could now legitimately call themselves a team.  The boy’s enthusiasm was contagious, and they spread word at their local club how great the program was. The team has since grown to 10 athletes with the expectation to grow even larger.

Anthony Basile has gotten quite a lot out of the Scholastic Clay Target Program over the past two seasons.  “I have learned how to operate on a team and how to learn from my mistakes,” says Anthony.  He hopes this year to improve his focus and confidence throughout an event, specifically sporting clays. Anthony in the past has taken first place for trap in the SCTP state championships and hopes for many more wins in the future.  When Anthony isn’t shooting you can find him doing computer programming, robotics or working on 3d design.  Following high school Anthony plans to attend college and pursue a career in 3d design and animation.

Dominic started shooting at the age of 12 along with Anthony.  “When I broke my first target, I instantly became addicted to the sport,” says Dominic.  When asked what he thought the toughest part about shooting was for him, he said “staying consistent was the hardest, as well as treating every opportunity to shoot as an opportunity to learn”.  These are key components that Dominic has chosen to focus and improve on this Scholastic season.  In addition to shooting Dominic has a passion for physical fitness and health and hopes to take this passion into the medical field later in life.

Vincent has been following in his older brothers’ footsteps and has progressed extremely well.  The 14-year-old took first place in skeet, second place in sporting clays and third place in trap at last year’s Spring Competitions.  His goals this year include developing a pre shot routine, meeting new people and going to the SCTP nationals in Ohio this year.  When asked why he loves shooting so much his response was simple.  “I can go out to an event or practice and meet lots of new kids” which is a key part of what SCTP is all about.  When Vincent is not out practicing you can find him playing piano or enjoying a good book.  He hopes to attend a music university to study piano performance.

Sharing such a passion for clay target shooting helps keep the brothers close.  “I think the most prominent way it brings us closer is after we shoot.  We often have discussions praising each other’s score, and sometimes laughing at them!  In the end, we always share tips and tactics to help everyone become a better shooter.” says Dominic.

The boys all look forward to competing in the 2020 national championships in Marengo, Ohio and hope to place well.   But more importantly they want to have fun and meet new people.  They also want to specifically recognize the SCTP and thank them for all of the great things they are doing for young shooters.  “Overall, it is an excellent program that has done a lot.  I hope that it continues to grow in numbers and become more widely recognized” says Anthony.



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