Junior Shooters and Monthly 3-Gun 8/8/20

Posted by Junior Shooters

Kiana on the shotgun above and in the photo on the left.

Junior Shooters fielded 10 people for the monthly 3-Gun match in Parma on Saturday 8/8/20. Three coaches and seven juniors. WOW! It was the first regular 3-Gun match (other than our practice) for two of the juniors. What a blast! Shooting, moving, helping each other, learning together.

Of course, SAFETY is always first.
They have been trained to keep the muzzle pointed down-range no matter what.
To use a safety flag until they are at the ready line. Keep their finger off the trigger until ready to shoot.


A gun is always loaded.
Put the gun on safe immediately after firing and

move your finger off the trigger.


KJ on the rifle at close targets.

Brody shooting a Sig Sauer MPX 9mm carbine.



This also applies when moving from point-to-point.


Ashley shooting a Mossberg 930 JM Pro 12-Gauge

Caleb shooting pistol.

I am so proud of what they have learned. Here a few photos of some of them:

Ethan shooting a Glock 19 9mm.




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