GUN SAFETY – With Lyman Products

Posted by Junior Shooters

Practicing with firearms indoors using “Dry Fire” (no rounds in the firearm) can be very beneficial but it can also be dangerous if live ammunition is anywhere in the area. Remove all live ammunition. Clear the firearm by removing the magazine FIRST, lock the slide back and physically check the chamber to ensure that there is nothing in it. Remove any ammunition from the magazine and store all ammunition far away.

SAFETY should always be your NUMBER 1 priority!

Get your SNAP CAPS from Lyman AZOOM AMMO Snap Caps. You get these in a variety of calibers. You can now load these in your magazine and rack the slide again checking to make sure that both the chamber and magazine have only dummy cartridges. I like to keep one magazine filled with snap caps and marked so. However, each time before practicing, I empty it completely and then refill it with snap caps. This not only keeps you safe but helps protect the firing pin when practicing using “Dry Fire.”

SAFETY should always be your NUMBER 1 priority!


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